New Lab Manager position in the Schlenke Lab at the University of Arizona

Position summary: The Schlenke Lab studies host-parasite interactions using Drosophila (fruit flies) as model hosts.We are developing parasitoid wasps, which lay their eggs in fly larvae and consume their hosts from the inside out, as model parasites.Flies mount cellular and behavioral defense responses against wasps, but wasps have adaptations for finding host fly larvae, suppressing host cellular immunity, and manipulating host behavior. We use a variety of "omics" tools to understand the molecular genetics of fly cellular immunity and wasp virulence, as well as patterns of host immunity and pathogen virulence coevolution across fly and wasp phylogenies. For more information, visit our lab website at:

We are looking to hire a motivated, creative, and collaborative lab manager to keep the lab running smoothly.Our lab attempts to understand the fly-wasp interaction at multiple biological levels, and thus we are searching for a candidate with expertise (or the willingness to gain expertise) in multiple aspects of biology, such as in evolutionary ecology, genetics, molecular and cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, and/or bioinformatics.Our lab is based at the University of Arizona in the Department of Entomology and the position is available immediately.Feel free to contact Todd ( with questions.

Duties and Responsibilities: The lab manager will oversee the day-to-day operations of the lab, including the inventorying and ordering of supplies, insect husbandry, and maintaining lab compliance with safety regulations.The lab manager will also be involved in multiple aspects of the lab’s research program, from experimental design to data analysis. In coordination with Todd, the lab manager will assist and/or train other lab members including postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates. The lab manager will regularly consult with Todd on a plan to enhance their professional growth and meet their future career goals.

Minimum qualifications: B.S. in a biological field.Good communication and critical thinking skills.Hands-on laboratory experience.

Preferred qualifications: M.S. or Ph.D. in a biological field.Lab management experience.Experience studying: Drosophila or other insects, host-parasite interactions, behavior, cell biology, cell culture, molecular biology techniques, microscopy, genetic mapping, genomics, statistics…

Salary: $36,000 - $39,000 annually (depending on experience)

Instructions: See the official ad at apply please submit (1) a cover letter with a brief description of how this position would match your background and your career goals, (2) a CV, and (3) a list of three people that we can contact as professional references.

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