From the Federal Register, May 19, 2017:

The United States Government encourages relevant experts to provide comments to 
the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 
on six assessments related to biodiversity and ecosystem services: Four 
regional assessments, one global assessment, and one assessment on land 
degradation and restoration. 

The three regional draft assessments and the land degradation and restoration 
draft assessment: Available for review until June 26, 2017.

The Americas regional draft assessment: Available for review from May 29-July 
24, 2017.

The global draft assessment: Available for review from June 15-August 15, 2017.

For further information, contact Stephanie Aktipis (

The United States is an active member of IPBES, an independent 
intergovernmental body that assesses the state of biodiversity and of the 
ecosystem services biodiversity provides to society. The U.S. Government is 
committed to an open and transparent review process, and welcomes participation 
of all government and non-government subject matter experts. The U.S. 
government encourages individuals with significant expertise and/or 
publications relevant to these assessments to serve as expert reviewers.

Interested experts will first register as users of the IPBES Web site 
( and then can apply 
to become IPBES reviewers at (this will only work when 
logged in to the IPBES Web site). Reviewers will receive an email providing 
access to the draft assessments and will be requested to submit their comments 
using a template that is available on the same Web page. All relevant comments 
will then be addressed by the assessment authors in the next round of revisions.

The final drafts of the regional and land degradation and restoration 
assessments will be considered by IPBES Member States at the 6th IPBES Plenary 
meeting in March 2018. The global draft assessment will be released for a 
second public review later in 2018.

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