Graduate/Professional Training - Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation  at 
the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, Virginia, USA
September 2017-February 2018 schedule: our intensive residential courses offer 
continuing education credits (CEUs), and, in some cases, graduate credit. Visit 
course links (below), see our website ( or email 
us at<> for more details about 
each course, course costs, application deadlines, and credits earned.  Apply 
now-some application deadlines are approaching quickly!

Stakeholder-Driven Scenario Models for Strategic Conservation 
NEW COURSE!! September 11-16, 2017
The scenario planning approach allows us to imagine how land use decisions we 
make today could influence the landscape of tomorrow. Scenarios are storylines 
developed by stakeholders, describing different potential futures. When linked 
to land use, socio-economic, and environmental data, these scenarios can help 
us identify trade-offs or synergies between environmental health and human 
well-being. This project-based course provides practitioners and advanced 
students a conceptual and practical understanding of the intersection of 
scenario planning and land use modeling in the context of natural resource and 
environmental planning. This intensive 6-day fulltime residential session 
incorporates lectures, discussions, and extensive computer exercises.

Ecology and Conservation of Migratory 
September 18-29, 2017
Led by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, this course teaches the most 
current methods in the research of migratory birds including theoretical 
concepts, field and laboratory methods (e.g. mist-netting, banding, tissue 
sampling, stable isotope geochemistry, geolocators and radio telemetry), data 
analysis (including distance sampling and mark-recapture statistics) and 
applied conservation strategies. Participants will be mist-netting and handling 
birds nearly every morning of the course, and will also learn to prepare museum 
voucher study skins.

Spatial Ecology, Geospatial Analysis & Remote Sensing for 
October 16-27, 2017
Learn to use GIS tools to address conservation research problems, quantifying 
effects of human-induced global changes on wildlife and biodiversity. This 
two-week course is taught by the research scientists of Smithsonian 
Conservation Biology Institute's renowned Conservation GIS  lab. Hands-on lab 
exercises (e.g. land cover mapping; home range analysis; modeling habitat 
selection; mapping species distributions) use remote sensing data and SCBI 
field surveys to monitor global changes, assess impacts on wildlife, and 
develop mitigating strategies.

Camera Trapping Tools for Landowners 
November 4-5, 2017
This new (non-credit) weekend workshop is designed for local landowners looking 
to have all their camera trapping questions answered. Participants spend two 
days with Smithsonian Wildlife Ecologist Joe Kolowski who has spent years using 
trail cameras to study wildlife around the globe. The workshop is a mix of 
field activities, demonstrations, and interactive lectures and includes: 1) a 
review of current camera models, providing guidance for purchase decisions; 2) 
practice in use and setup of a range of trail cameras in the field, including 
tips for optimal placement for a wide range of species and scenarios, 3) 
highlights from local and international camera trapping research; 4) local 
options for getting involved in camera trapping research; and get advice 
specific to their own properties and interests.

Statistics for Ecology and Conservation 
February 12-23, 2018
Gain in-depth knowledge of analysis techniques for cutting-edge ecological 
research, employing R: classical regression models; mixed models; generalized 
linear models; how to deal with the limitations of real datasets; and 
conservation-specific approaches. Participants learn how to choose appropriate 
analyses for different research questions, and about the assumptions underlying 
each model. Through the lectures and hands-on exercises participants learn how 
to design their own studies, explore their data, perform a range of analyses, 
understand fitted models, and clearly explain their results. By the end of the 
course, participants will be able to conduct sophisticated statistical 
analyses, critically evaluate statistics-based material in current research 
literature, and deal with the limitations of real datasets in the context of 
conservation science.

Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation participants engage in dynamic 
learning communities, build lifelong professional networks, and connect with 
valuable conservation resources

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