There still some spots available for the Biology, Management and Conservation 
of North American Salamanders Training Course. If you or your institution are 
working with salamanders or if you are focusing your undergrad or grad research 
on salamanders,  this is the perfect course for you


Amphibian Ark and Zoo Atlanta are pleased to announce the 2017 Biology, 
Management and Conservation of North American Salamanders training course.

The course will consist of five days of intensive training, including lectures, 
hands-on practical exercises, and fieldwork, with the goal of providing the 
students with technical skills necessary for long-term management of ex situ 
assurance populations of salamanders, from species selection to reintroductions 
with focus on husbandry, health, biosecurity and population management.
covered during the course will include: salamander biology, conservation and 
management; enclosure design and construction; captive breeding techniques; 
biosecurity and disease control; monitoring and surveys of wild and captive 
populations; education and scientific engagement. A field trip is arranged at 
Wharton Center, GA.

Target audience: Zookeepers, field biologists, grad students, and academics 
working in salamander conservation and research, especially in captive 
settings. The course is limited to 20 students.

Location: The course will be held at Zoo Atlanta and at Wharton Center, Georgia.

Dates: September 18th – 22nd, 2017

Information: For further information please contact Luis Carrillo, Training 
Officer - <>.


Quotes from last year’s students

- The instructors provided first hand, useful information regarding care of 
salamanders from all families, with practical tips on husbandry and diet. The 
veterinary discussion was extremely helpful. The field trip was fantastic. I 
had the opportunity to learn from everyone instructing and taking the course.

- This is a one of a kind course. I found it completely enriching in both a 
professional and personal context. The relationships and knowledge cultivated 
during the course are priceless and will be indispensable to me in regard to 
future salamander conservation work.

- With the amphibian decline crisis in full swing, this course serves as an 
opportunity to learn in depth information about salamander research and 
husbandry. It is imperative that researchers, aquarists, and zookeepers learn 
as much about this taxa as possible in order to bolster their representation in 
conservation efforts.

- As a graduate student, I found this course very helpful for my research. I 
have taken many great concepts from this course and have been able to apply 
them directly to my research. I was also able to network with individuals in my 
field which has greatly helped with professional development. 

Luis Carrillo
Training Officer / Coordinador de Entrenamiento

10 years helping in Amphibian Conservation!

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