The Ecological Society of America invites graduate students to join the 
2017-2018 PlantingScience Master Plant Science Team. Applications are due 
August 7, 2017.

The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort 
of 5 graduate students who make a substantial contribution as an online 
scientist mentor.

Members of the Master Plant Science Team receive:

*        free 2018 membership to the ESA

*        50% off 2018 meeting registration (student rate)

*        PlantingScience T-shirt

*        ESA Membership and 50% Meeting Registration for MPST are sponsored by 
the ESA Education Section.

Current ESA membership not required. Please pass this information on to others 
who might be interested. For more information, please visit:

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs

4th Life Discovery - Doing Science Education Conference
Data: Discover, Investigate, Inform
CFP for Education Share Fair Roundtables is now open.<>
ESA Office of Education and Diversity 

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