We would like to draw your attention to the following 2017 AGU Fall Meeting
session and encourage you to submit related abstracts, noting the August 2nd

Session ID#: 24719
Session Description:
Boreal forests cover vast high latitude expanses and provide a wide range of
goods and services.  Some reports indicate widespread boreal forest
productivity declines in recent decades coincident with warming and
associated increases in drought, fire, insect outbreak and permafrost thaw
(often referred to as a "browning" trend), while others indicate a broad
stasis or even increasing productivity (a "greening" trend). Key next steps
include improved change detection, reconciling diverse evidence, and
increased understanding of underlying mechanisms. This session will focus on
the drivers and consequences of northern forest browning or greening, as
well as related productivity, demographic, compositional and structural
changes. Submissions reporting research that uses a range of tools are
encouraged, including ground-based measurements, remote sensing, and/or
process based models. We especially encourage submissions that diagnose
patterns and/or causes of vegetation change, assess the consequences for
ecological services, provide improved mechanistic understanding, or
reconcile multiple lines of evidence.

Primary Convener:  Michael Goulden, University of California Irvine,
Department of Earth System Science, Irvine, CA, United States

Conveners:  Brendan M Rogers, Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA,
United States and Ted Hogg, Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest
Service, Edmonton, AB, Canada

GC - Global Environmental Change

Index Terms:
0439 Ecosystems, structure and dynamics [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
0480 Remote sensing [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
1630 Impacts of global change [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1631 Land/atmosphere interactions [GLOBAL CHANGE]

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