We are convening an AGU Session cross-listed with Biogeosciences and Global
Environmental Change that focuses on soil C stabilization by minerals and
microbial processes. Submit an abstract here:

*B052: Of minerals and microbes: Models and experiments investigating the
vulnerability of soil carbon*

*Session ID#: *25762
Session Description:
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest actively cycling component of
terrestrial carbon. The current size and future changes to this land C sink
are becoming important to climate-change-mitigation policy makers.
Perturbations associated with global change (e.g., warming, drought,
fertilization) may cause linear, non-linear, or threshold changes in soil C
stock, and are conceptualized and modeled in a variety of ways. Within the
past decade, scientists have postulated many theories describing the
biological, chemical, and physical interactions that control SOC pools and
fluxes. These include the persistence of soil organic matter as an
ecosystem property, MEMS (microbial efficiency matrix stabilization), the
“onion” layering model, etc. In this session, we focus on how these
concepts are being applied to and tested using models and experiments. We
need to understand and accurately represent biological, chemical, and
physical mechanisms in order to predict the vulnerability of soil C to
global change.
Conveners: Caitlin Hicks Pries, Rose Z Abramoff, Katerina Georgiou

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