Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your abstract to our session on the legacy effects of land use on water quality (Session H148) at AGU this December.

Session ID: 26392
Session Title: H148. Yesterday is History, The Future is a Mystery: Legacy Effects of Land Use on Water Quality
Section/Focus Group: Hydrology
Session Viewer Link:

To predict how human land use and management affect current and future water quality, it is crucial to understand not only contemporary, but historic human influences on watersheds. Human activity over decades of urbanization, resource extraction, and intensive agriculture has led to an accumulation of contaminants within the landscape. These legacies of human use can influence water quality over decadal time scales, with legacy-associated lag times in catchment response presenting unique problems with regard to setting water quality targets. In this session, we welcome submissions using modeling, data synthesis, and experimental approaches to address legacy effects on water quality. Examples of relevant topics include long-term effects of forest management and forest fires on stream chemistry, acid mine drainage in watersheds with legacy mines, accumulation of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus in soils and sediments, and subsurface accumulation of road salts and the resulting salinization of our waterways.

Co-Convenors: Nandita Basu (University of Waterloo), Ashley Helton (University of Connecticut), Janet Barclay (University of Connecticut), Kimberly Van Meter (University of Waterloo)

Dr. Kimberly Van Meter
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

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