Dear Colleagues,

Please join us at AGU 2017 in New Orleans for our session on Carbon-Climate 

Session Title:
Carbon feedbacks in Earth's climate system: using ocean and land variability to 
diagnose critical carbon cycle processes
Session Description:
The surface fluxes of the main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) are controlled 
by biogeochemical and physical processes in the land and ocean that are 
sensitive to changes in climate and atmospheric composition. Terrestrial carbon 
reservoirs contain at least five times and ocean carbon reservoirs contain at 
least fifty times more carbon than the atmosphere.  Thus limitations in our 
understanding of carbon cycle processes and their sensitivities to climate 
variability can lead to large uncertainties in predicting global terrestrial 
fluxes, as well as regional ocean fluxes.  Identifying critical carbon cycle 
processes and diagnosing their sensitivity to climate is vital for improving 
future climate predictions.  This session will focus on novel drivers and new 
insights on inter-annual to decadal variability of terrestrial and ocean fluxes 
of carbon and nitrogen as well as turnover times of various carbon reservoirs 
to constrain future climate-carbon cycle feedbacks, both from observational and 
modelling perspectives.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Laure Resplandy (Princeton University, USA)
Anders Ahlstrom (Stanford University, USA)

Ash Ballantyne (U Montana, USA)
Tatiana Ilyina (MPI-Met Hamburg, Germany)
Ana Bastos (LSCE, France)
Benjamin Poulter (NASA-GSFC, USA)

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