5th European Congress for Conservation Biology Call for Proposals!
 Proposals for symposia, workshops, and thematic posters are due 8 August

The Scientific Committee of the Society for Conservation Biology Europe 
Section's 5th European Congress for Conservation Biology [ 
 ]  (ECCB) is soliciting proposals for symposia, workshops, and poster symposia.

ECCB 2018 will take place next 12-15 June 2018 in Jyväskylä, Finland. The theme 
for the Congress is Planetary Wellbeing, - a concept that captures the 
wellbeing of people as the integrity and sustainability of Earth's ecosystems. 
It is a response to the need for environmental conservation that captures both 
human and ecosystem wellbeing.

Experts in conservation and social science, education, public health, policy, 
and administrative processes will join us to share knowledge and experiences, 
and to develop solutions for some of the greatest challenges faced by humanity.

We envision ECCB 2018 as a place to advance creativity, innovation and 
knowledge sharing across diverse expertise to advance and demonstrate how 
groups across Europe and the world are working to overcome challenges faced 
with sustaining global human well-being and the integrity and sustainability of 
Earth's ecosystems.

As part of the outreach and developing dialog with society, and in particular 
businesses exploiting natural resources, we have planned a special stakeholder 
day with a focus on ecological compensations and biodiversity offsetting.

Symposia, workshop, and thematic poster symposia proposals should be related to 
the conference theme Planetary Wellbeing. Proposals related to the focus-area 
of the stakeholder day (i.e. ecological compensations) are also welcomed.

Submit your proposals on the Peerage of Science ECCB Portal for Symposia and 
Workshops [ https://submit.peerageofscience.org/conference/ECCB_2018 ] . All 
communications, including the final decision about the fate of symposia, happen 
via Peerage of Science.

Remember proposals are due  8 August 2017 !

The SCB Europe Section is excited to welcome you to Jyväskylä, Finland for ECCB 

ECCB 2018 will take place in Jyväskylä, Finland 12-15 June 2018.

 The Society for Conservation Biology is an international professional 
organization dedicated to the science and practice of conserving Earth's 
biological diversity. Like SCB on Facebook [ 
https://www.facebook.com/Society4ConBio ]  and follow us on Twitter [ 
https://twitter.com/Society4ConBio ]  and Instagram [ 
https://www.instagram.com/society4conbio ]  for the latest news and 

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dr hab. Nuria Selva
Institute of Nature Conservation
Polish Academy of Sciences
Mickiewicza 33
31-120 Krakow, Poland

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