For students giving an oral presentation at the annual Ecological Society 
of America Annual Meeting in Portland, OR in August: At this year's meeting 
the Urban Ecosystems Ecology (UEE) section of ESA will be awarding its 6th 
annual award for best student presentation in urban ecology in honor of the 
late Dr. Joan Ehrenfeld. The award is open to both undergraduate and 
graduate students giving an oral presentation in the field of urban ecology 
at the annual meeting. Students do not have to be a member of the UEE 
section to be eligible for this award. If you are interested in being 
considered for this award, email the following items to Emilie Stander (UEE 
section member) by Monday, July 31, 2017: first and last name, title of 
talk, time and location of presentation, degree being sought (BA/BS, MS, 
PhD), your accepted abstract, and e-mail address. We will only be 
considering urban ecology presentations for the award. Preference will be 
given to presentations of original research over literature review-oriented pre

Below is a brief description of the award:
Title: The Joan Ehrenfeld Award for Best Student Presentation in Urban Ec
Section:  Urban Ecosystems Ecology Section of ESA
Short Summary: Joan Ehrenfeld was one of the pioneers of urban ecology; her con
contributions helped shape our knowledge of urban ecosystems. Her work spa
spanned many taxa and systems, ranging from novel work on urban wetlands to the
the role of people in shaping urban ecosystem processes. Her former stu
students and postdocs are continuing this work around the globe. In rec
recognition of her many contributions to urban ecology, the best oral pre
presentation in urban ecology given at the annual Ecological Society of Ame
America meeting is named in her honor.

Please send your application materials with the subject line
"Ehrenfeld Award" to: Emilie Stander, UEE Section Member, Emili
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Stander (see
(see contact info below).

Emilie K. Stander, PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science
Dept of Science and Engineering
Raritan Valley Community College
p: 908-526-1200 ext. 8344

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