Dear ECOLOGers,

The Natural History Museum in Oslo is looking for a research director.

The museum has about 150 employees, organized in 5 sections, and for 2017
had a total budget of 160 million NOK. Approx. 40 million NOK are related
to research projects. The research section consists of 7 research groups.

Details and contacts can be found in:


"There is grandeur in this view of life, (...) from so simple a
beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been,
and are being, evolved."

               Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species (1859)

" (...) in order to bind down material nature under the inquisition of
reason, and force from her, as by torture, unequivocal answers to
prepared and preconceived questions (...) "

               Samuel Coleridge, The Friend (Series of Essays; 1812) -
Referring to scientific practices performed by  Humphry Davy.

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