Hello, We have an open Sr. Technical Leader position that we would like to post on your job board. Could you please provide me with the process?
The link to the job and where applicants may apply can be found here: https://chp.tbe.taleo.net/chp02/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=EPRI&cws=1&rid=2738<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__chp.tbe.taleo.net_chp02_ats_careers_requisition.jsp-3Forg-3DEPRI-26cws-3D1-26rid-3D2738&d=DwMFaQ&c=YFYuafCCopBdR2aI1UDiwKbQTSrP7gdpddSkt1TYoDc&r=08vtCcPEANftFoWhbU2ttg&m=Fc9rswZtq1Jb1tw7ynTBcH5wqI4BGRW7jOpPrqZ8TeI&s=sQ7DQbCNI3_RlDhzjd_k94K93N36oFSEtpUszHpaqmo&e=> Thanks, Denise Denise Lee Human Resources Generalist Electric Power Research Institute 3420 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 Email: d...@epri.com<mailto:d...@epri.com> Office: 650.855.7979 Mobile: 650.785.6300 Fax: 650.855.8520 THIS EMAIL MESSAGE IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT(S) AND MAY CONTAIN FINROMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVILEGED OR EXPEMT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. Unless otherwise expressed in this message by the sender or except as may be allowed by separate written agreement between EPRI and recipient or recipient's employer, any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others of this message is prohibited and this message is not intended to be an electronic signature, instrument or anything that may form a legally binding agreement with EPRI. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and permanently delete all copies of this message. Please be advised that the message and its contents may be disclosed, accessed and reviewed by the sender's email system administrator and/or provider.