We are recruiting a PhD student to work on an NSF sponsored project studying 
the impact of rapid evolution on the productivity and stability of coastal 
salt marshes. We have grown individuals from a foundational plant in this 
system (Schoenoplectus americanus) from seed banks dating back over 100 
years. Our approach involves: measuring changes in plant physiology and 
growth in controlled experiments; paleoecological analysis of marsh 
sediments; synthesis of extensive field data; and Bayesian approaches to 
link evolutionary and ecosystem processes. We welcome applicants with 
strengths in any of these disciplines. For more information, see the lab web 
page (https://sites.nd.edu/paleolab), or submit a letter detailing your 
interest and relevant background to Jason McLachlan (jmcla...@nd.edu). 
Please CC the project manager, Jody Peters (peters...@nd.edu). Applications 
to Notre Dame Biological Sciences are due December 1.

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