The National Science Foundation has a program for biology postdocs: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB), focused on three areas to support this year. We are interested in sponsoring candidates for at least two of the three specified areas for support: */Research Using Biological Collections, /*and//*/Broadening Participation of Groups Under-represented in Biology/**. The third area is /National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships./*

We encourage eligible (see information in link above) applicants to apply to work with us at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory ( <>). RMBL has plant and animal collections, and other research institutions in southwest Colorado do as well. We also have large flower and bee phenological and/or demographic datasets collected as part of an ongoing LTREB award from NSF that might qualify as collection resources or could be used by postdocs funded by the Broadening Participation area. Each record in the bee phenological dataset is matched to a collection specimen. For more information about our current research grant and datasets, see

Sponsoring scientists could include David Inouye (RMBL), Rebecca Irwin (NC State), Nora Underwood (FL State), Brian Inouye (FL State), or potentially other RMBL scientists (see the RMBL publications database at Postdocs would spend the field season at RMBL (along with about 180 other summer residents, from campuses across the country), and the rest of the year at a sponsor's campus.

For information about how to apply, see Applications are due 7 November. Contact me or one of the other potential sponsors for more information about research opportunities, and NSF for details about the program.

Dr. David W. Inouye
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
University of Maryland

Principal Investigator
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

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