Postdoctoral opportunity in sediment biogeochemistry, Large Lakes
Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth

We seek a postdoctoral researcher to investigate sediment biogeochemistry
in the framework of a NSF-funded project on the role of benthic communities
in coupled C-N-P dynamics in the Great Lakes. A successful candidate will
join an interdisciplinary team of biogeochemists, ecologists, and modelers
to investigate how recent large-scale changes in the profundal benthic
communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes have affected sediment
characteristics, benthic-pelagic coupling and whole-system elemental
dynamics. Work will combine extensive offshore fieldwork in Lakes Superior,
Michigan and Huron with laboratory studies. Applicants should have a
demonstrated record of conducting research in a relevant field, including
proficiency in analytical techniques, and an excellent record of scholarly
publications. They would be expected to conduct independent research,
assist with lab and field coordination activities, and participate in
supervision of graduate students. Preference will be given to candidates
who have excellent written communication skills, experience in limnological
or oceanographic work, experience in sediment geochemistry, especially in
the Great Lakes, or experience in numerical modeling.

The position is to begin between March and June 2018, for a term of up to 2
years. Salary minimum $47,000/year.

The Large Lakes Observatory, located on the Duluth campus of the University
of Minnesota, is an interdisciplinary research department dedicated to
oceanographic studies of large lakes worldwide and offers excellent
professional development opportunities.

To apply to the position or to request more information contact Drs. Sergei
Katsev ( or Ted Ozersky ( ). Please
submit a CV, statement of research interests, and names of three
references. Review of applications will begin on December 1 but search will
continue until the position is filled.

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