Recruiting 1 PhD student and 1 MS student to Rachel Mitchell’s Trait-Based 
Ecology Lab at Northern 
Arizona University.

I am seeking students for two projects:

Trait-Based Grassland Restoration:  This Masters project will examine the 
legacy effects of grazing and 
irrigation on native grass restoration in the House Rock Valley of Northern 
Arizona, and will undertake 
restoration of degraded grassland using a trait-based approach.  This project 
will address both 
theoretical questions focused on community assembly and coexistence, and 
applied question on how to 
bolster resistance, resilience, and biodiversity in degraded and grazed 

Climate Response of Disconnected Ponderosa Pine Understory Communities: This 
PhD project will 
examine differing functional and species composition of ponderosa pine 
understories in Arizona, and 
their responses to climate manipulations.  Research will take place near 
Flagstaff and on the Kiabab 
Plateau.  There is also the potential for work examining trait-based integral 
projection models of key 
understory species.

Successful applicants will display strong communication and quantitative 
skills, and be able to conduct 
fieldwork in remote locations.  Exceptional PhD applicants will be considered 
for the Northern Arizona 
Presidential Fellowship Program.  PhD applicants must have a Masters degree to 
be considered at NAU.

For more information, please contact Rachel Mitchell ( 
with a subject line of 
Grad Recruitment and indicate either MS or PhD.  Please attach a resume/CV and 
your GPA and GRE 
scores as well as a letter of interest by November 15th (Applications are Due 
January 15th, 2018 for Fall 
2018 consideration).

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