Graduate assistantship focused on space-use and movement ecology of 
large mammals- We are seeking a highly motivated person to pursue a PhD 
degree in the Environmental and Life Sciences Program at Trent 
University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The graduate project will 
focus on using extensive existing GPS and VHF radio collar datasets from 
large mammals (wolves, coyotes, elk and white-tailed deer) to examine 
space-use and movement behaviour. The successful applicant will have 
considerable responsibility and freedom to formulate and address basic 
and applied research questions grounded in ecological theory. The 
student will have ample opportunity to assist in ongoing large mammal 
fieldwork, including capturing and collaring efforts, deployment and 
maintenance of remotely triggered trail cameras, aerial monitoring of 
collared animals, and conducting aerial population surveys. The study 
systems are all based in Ontario, Canada and the research will have 
direct applied relevance to the province. The student will be co-advised 
by Dr. Joe Northrup and Dr. Brent Patterson both of the Ontario Ministry 
of Natural Resources and Forestry & Trent University. 

M.S. degree in ecology, wildlife, biology or related field is required 
but exceptional past experience may be considered in place of a M.S. 
degree. Desired qualifications include a GPA >3.5 (4.0 scale) and strong 
GRE scores. A strong background in ecology, demonstrated analytical 
capabilities, and passion for wildlife research are required. Strong 
quantitative, writing, and oral communication skills are also required. 
The strongest applicants will have demonstrated experience with 
programming languages commonly used for statistical and scientific 
applications (e.g., R and Python), and familiarity with geospatial 
software (e.g., ArcMap, QGIS). 

Application instructions
Please email a cover letter with an explicit statement of 
analytical/quantitative experience and abilities, current CV, unofficial 
transcripts, copy of GRE scores, scientific writing sample and contact 
info for ≥3 references as a single attachment to Joe Northrup at At least one of these references must have 
direct knowledge of the applicant’s analytical capabilities. The 
successful applicant is expected to begin in January, 2018. Application 
deadline is November 5, 2017 but review of applications will begin 

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