Dear Colleague:

The National Science Foundation is initiating a national search for the 
Assistant Director for Biological Sciences (BIO). We seek your assistance in 
the identification of visionary candidates to lead the Directorate during the 
coming years. Dr. James Olds has served in this position with distinction since 
October 2014. He has worked with his colleagues on new initiatives in 
Understanding the Brain, the Rules of Life, from genome to phenome, and 
continental-scale ecology. The next Assistant Director will have similar 
opportunities to shape future research and education in the biological sciences 
as well as ensure that BIO is a key participant in NSF's expanding efforts to 
support convergence research.

The Assistant Director, BIO, manages a budget of approximately $750.0M and a 
portfolio comprising the various fields of biology, including the Division of 
Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB), the Division of Biological 
Infrastructure (DBI), the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS), the 
Division of Environmental Biology (DEB), and the Emerging Frontiers Office 
(EF). Attached is a PDF version of this letter, which includes an information 
sheet that summarizes the Directorate's activities and the responsibilities of 
the position, together with the criteria that will be used in the search. 
Employment may be on a temporary or permanent basis in the Federal Service or 
by temporary assignment under provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act.

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Roger Beachy, National Science Board 
member and Professor at Washington University in St. Louis will Chair the 
Search Advisory Committee. Both the Committee and I seek your help in 
identifying candidates with the following qualifications: outstanding 
leadership; a deep sense of scholarship; and a grasp of the issues facing the 
biological sciences, especially in the areas of education and fundamental 
research. Candidates must also have the ability to serve effectively as a key 
member of the NSF senior management team, teaming with the NSF Director and 
other Assistant Directors on cross-directorate activities and interactions with 
executive and legislative branches of government. When opportunities arise, the 
candidate must be able to communicate effectively with leaders of business and 
industry as well as the philanthropic community. Recommendations of individuals 
from any sector - academic, industry, or government - are welcome.

Please send your recommendations, including any supporting information which 
you might be able to provide, to the AD/BIO Screening Committee via e mail 
(<>) or at the following address: National 
Science Foundation, Office of the Director, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, 
VA, 22314. We would appreciate receiving your recommendations by November 10, 

Your assistance in this very important task is appreciated.


/// signed ///

France A. Córdova
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1205N
Arlington, VA 22230

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