Third Gordon Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions
January 28 - February 2, 2018, Ventura, California

Gordon Research Conferences are recognized as the “world's premier
scientific conferences”, where leading investigators from around the globe
meet biennially for a full week of intense discussion of the frontier
research in their field. We have an outstanding list of confirmed speakers
and contributors, detailed below. Our meeting is capped at 200 people, and
we've already accepted 168 applicants (listed at the bottom of this email)…
so please apply soon.
The neurobiology of responses to risk in individual prey can, when
aggregated across a population, profoundly affect surrounding ecosystems.
Similarly, researchers are increasingly aware of how quickly selection and
epigenetic forces can shift prey phenotypes and alter future interactions
with predators. In both cases, the connections between small-scale (within
an individual or at a single point in time) and large-scale (across
ecosystems or generations) processes illustrate how exploring the 'linkage
map' of predator-prey interactions across scales can identify new fields of
research and synergize the collaborations necessary to address them. We have
targeted the most exciting advances in predator-prey work across multiple
fields, with each speaker agreeing to share their latest unpublished
findings. In order to encourage active participation from everyone at the
conference, all attendees are strongly encouraged to present a poster on
their work. 
The complete program is available, along with further details concerning
registration, at our website

Sessions and Confirmed Speakers
Predator-prey interactions in the field and lab
Joel Berger, Caroline Blanchard (speakers)
Jacqueline Blundell & Evan Preisser (discussion leaders)

Evolutionary underpinnings of predator-prey interactions
John Orrock, Catherine Matassa, Robyn Crook, Robby Stoks (speakers)
Sonny Bleicher (discussion leader)

Predators at the landscape level
Elizabeth Madin, Trisha Atwood, Meredith Palmer
Shelby Rinehart (discussion leader)

Prey responses to predator cues
Ted Stankowich, Grant Brown, William Resetarits, Mark Berry
Adam Crane (discussion leader)

Neural responses to predators
Gwyneth Card, Rupshi Mitra, Cornelius Gross
Newton Canteras (discussion leader)

Neurobiology of fear
Ken Lukowiak, Arun Asok, Gal Richter-Levin, Marta Moita
Wen Han Tong (discussion leader)

Carnivores in natural and managed landscapes
Doug Smith, Justin Suraci, Mathew Crowther
Rebecca Selden (discussion leader)

Transgenerational impacts of stress
Tracy Langkilde, Michael Sheriff, Brian Dias, Regina Sullivan
Michael Clinchy (discussion leader)

Past, present, and future directions in fear and predator-prey research
James Estes, Liana Zanette
Maud Ferrari & Ajai Vyas (discussion leaders)

Participants and Accepted Applicants
Mark Abrahams (Memorial University), Bridie Allan (James Cook University),
T. Michael Anderson (Wake Forest University), Thomas Anderson (University of
Kansas), Fergus Mark Anthony (Pune University), Arun Asok (Columbia
University), Trisha Atwood (Utah State University), Kevin Bairos-Novak
(University of Saskatchewan), Adalbert Balog (Sapientia University), Shanta
Barley (University of Western Australia), Brandon Barton (Mississippi State
University), Lynne Beaty (Trent University), Miguel Bedoya-Pérez (The
University of Sydney), Joel Berger (Colorado State University / Wildlife
Conservation Society), Mark Berry (Memorial University of Newfoundland),
Sriya Bhattacharya (Memorial University of Newfoundland), James Biardi
(Fairfield University), Caroline Blanchard (University of Hawaii), Sonny
Bleicher (University of Arizona), Jacqueline Blundell (Memorial University
of Newfoundland), Paul Bourdeau (Humboldt State University), Crasso-Paulo
Breviglieri (Universidade de Campinas), Grant Brown (Concordia University),
Holly Brown (University of Connecticut), Newton Canteras (University of Sao
Paolo), Gwyneth Card (Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute), Irene Castañeda González (University of Paris Sud),  Cynthia
Chai (California Institute of Technology), Michael Cherry (Virginia Tech),
Xochitl Clare (University of California Santa Barbara), Michael Clinchy
(University of Western Ontario), Alison Collins (The Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California), Adam Crane (University of Saskatchewan),
Robyn Crook (San Francisco State University), Mathew Crowther (The
University of Sydney), Andrea Darracq (Murray State University), Volker
Deecke (University of Cumbria), Anthony Dell (Great Rivers Research), John
Delong (University of Nebraska), Craig Demars (University of Alberta),
Jessica Deslauriers (University of California San Diego), Brian Dias (Emory
University), Beatriz Diaz-Pauli (Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary
Synthesis, University of Oslo), Somayeh Dodge (University of Minnesota),
Sarah Donelan (Northeastern University), Robert Dunn (San Diego State
University & UC Davis), Perri Eason (University of Louisville), David
Ensminger (Pennsylvania State University), James Estes (University of
California, Santa Cruz), Maud Ferrari (University of Saskatchewan), Scott
Gabara (San Diego State University / UC Davis), Elina Garrison (Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission), Patrick Garvey (Landcare Research),
Kaitlyn Gaynor (University of California - Berkeley), Benedikt Gehr
(University of Zurich), Laura Gigliotti (Clemson University), Sophie Gilbert
(University of Idaho), Cornelius Gross (European Molecular Biology
Laboratory), Marko Haapakoski (University of Jyvaskyla / Konnevesi Research
Station), Joel Hahn (University of Southern California), Prince Harvim
(Jiangsu University), Dror Hawlena (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ann
Hedrick (UC Davis), David Heins (Tulane University), Jennifer Hellmann
(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Ibrahim Hegab (Gansu
University),  Sara Hermann (Michigan State University), Mark Hixon
(University of Hawaii), Thomas Hossie (Trent University), Sarah Huebner
(University of Minnesota Lion Center), Kaushik Jayaram (Harvard University),
Brittany Jellison (Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California
Davis), Asa Johannesen (Fiskaaling), Cameron Jones (UC Davis), Alex Jordan
(Max Planck Institute for Ornithology), Francis Juanes (University of
Victoria), Michelle Jungbluth (Romberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco State
University), Ana Jurcak (Bowling Green State University), David Kimbro
(Northeastern University), Osamu Kishida (Hokkaido University), Tatjana
Krama (University of Tartu), Indrikis Krams (University of Tartu), Tracy
Langkilde (Pennsylvania State University), Oriol Lapiedra (Harvard
University), John Laundré (Western Oregon University), Leticiaa Legat
(University of Cumbria), Nathan Lemoine (Colorado State University),
Matthias Liess (UFZ - Environmental Research Centre), Isaac Ligocki
(University of California, Davis), Stacy Lindshield (Purdue University),
Laura Lopez (University of California, Davis), Thomas Luhring (University of
Nebraska - Lincoln), Ken Lukowiak (Hotchkiss Brain Institute), Barney
Luttbeg (Oklahoma State University), Phillip MacCallum (Memorial University
of Newfoundland - Psychology), Kirsty MacLeod (Pennsylvania State
University), Elizabeth Madin (Macquarie University), Raoul Manenti
(Università degli Studi di Milano), Ari Martinez (University of California
Berkeley), Catherine Matassa (University of Connecticut), Mark McCormick
(James Cook University), Michael McCoy (East Carolina University), Katie
McGhee (The University of the South), Jennifer Miller (UC Berkeley,
Panthera), Matthew Mitchell (Florida international University), Rupshi Mitra
(Nanyang Technological University), Marta Moita (Champalimaud Foundation),
Aoi Murase (Kyoto University), Steve Naranjo (USDA ARS), Teresa Ong
(Princeton University), John Orrock (University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Marinde Out (Simon Fraser University), Maria Palacios (James Cook
University), Meredith Palmer (University of Minnesota), Chris Pavey (CSIRO),
Scott Peacor (Michigan State University), Nicholas Pilfold (San Diego Zoo),
Lauren Pintor (The Ohio State University), Sinlan Poo (Memphis Zoo), Evan
Preisser (University of Rhode Island), Dan Preston (Oregon State
University), Jennifer Rehage (Florida International University), Dalila
Rendon (Oregon State University), William Resetarits (University of
Mississippi), Gal Richterlevin (University of Haifa), Shelby Rinehart (San
Diego State University), Kevin Ringelman (Louisiana State University), Euan
Ritchie (Deakin University), Asaf Sadeh (Volcani Center), Patrick Saldana
(Coastal and Marine Institute, San Diego State University), Stephanie
Schuttler (NC Museum of Natural Sciences), Ricardo Scrosati (St. Francis
Xavier University), Rebecca Selden (Rutgers University), Manvi Sharma
(Indian Institute of Science), Michael Sheriff (Pennsylvania State
University), Thorbjörn Sievert (University of Jyväskylä), Andy Sih
(University of California, Davis), Doug Smith (Yellowstone Center for
Resources), Justine Smith (UC Berkeley), Cori Speights (Mississippi State
University), Theodore Stankowich (California State University, Long Beach),
Denon Start (University of Toronto), Robby Stoks (University of Leuven),
Regina Sullivan (Nathan S. Kline Institute / NYU Langone Medical Center),
Justin Suraci (University of California, Santa Cruz), Lisa Teckentrup
(University of Potsdam, BioMove Research Training Group), Maria Thaker
(Indian Institute of Science), Ralph Tollrian (Ruhr University Bochum),
WenHan Tong (Nanyang Technological University), Viraj Torsekar (Indian
Institute of Science), Benjamin Toscano (Rice University), Michelle Tseng
(Departments of Botany and Zoology), Nedim Tüzün (University of Leuven),
Laura Twardochleb (Michigan State University), Cameron Venable (Penn State),
Darcy Visscher (The King's University), Ajai Vyas (Nanyang Technological
University), Marc Weissburg (Georgia Tech), Christopher Wilmers (University
of California, Santa Cruz), Robbie Wilson (University of Queensland) Lauren
Witterick (University of Western Ontario), Lyndsie Wszola (Nebraska Fish and
Game Department), Yu Xu (Guizhou Normal University), Ken Yasukawa (Beloit
College), Hannu Ylonen (University of Jyväskylä), Julie Young (USDA National
Wildlife Research Center), Liana Zanette (University of Western Ontario),
Chao Zhang (KU Leuven)

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