
I'm looking for a PhD student with experience in plant community ecology or 
evolutionary biology to start in my lab at Utah State University. The PhD will 
combine fieldwork and modelling, is fully-funded, and includes money to travel
to conferences and working groups.

More details and application instructions are available online 
(http://pearselab.com/join-the-lab/). I will review applications as they come 
in on a first-come-first-served basis. I'm happy to answer any questions over 
email (will.pea...@usu.edu<mailto:will.pea...@usu.edu>).


Will Pearse


Need a phylogeny? Try phyloGenerator: 
original<http://willpearse.github.io/phyloGenerator/> or new 
Measuring phylogenetic structure? Try install.packages('pez')

Will Pearse<http://www.willpearse.com/>
Assistant Professor of Biology, Utah State University
Office: +1-435-797-0831; BR-139
Skype: will.pearse

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