Hi all, I hope it this an appropriate question for the listserv.

Most all of us write overhead into our grants.  I'm interested in
collecting general information on how much, or if any, of grant overhead is
returned directly to the faculty member receiving the grants.  I know many
places do not return any overhead, but some return a small percentage for
general use in the faculty members' lab, publishing costs, etc.

This is not intended to identify any specific university or system that is
generous or not, more as a general survey of the state of affairs, and I
don't need that information - just hoping to get a list of percentages.  I
tried looking on various universities and departmental websites, but was
not able to find much.

I'd very much appreciate it if folks could send me any information from
their institution (or if it's department specific, their department).  I'm
just as interested in reports of 0% return as reports of 3% or 5% or
however much (or other arrangements), so as to get as balanced an idea as


Brian Buma, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology
University of Alaska

Ph: 907-796-6410


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