Plant Physiology

The Department of Biology at the University of Central Arkansas invites
applications for a tenure-track position in the area of Plant Physiology. 
Applicants must have a whole organism emphasis, and expertise in at least
one of the following areas: abiotic/biotic stresses, ecophysiology,
reproduction/development, energetics, climate change, or natural products.  

Teaching responsibilities will include courses in our lower-division biology
core, and upper-division/graduate courses (such as Plant Ecophysiology) that
augment our current programs.  The appointment will be at the Assistant
Professor level and will begin Aug. 15, 2018.  Applications are sought from
outstanding individuals who value quality teaching and are dedicated to
developing an active research program involving both undergraduate and
Master’s level students.  The position offers a reduced teaching load
initially, dedicated research space, start-up funding, and opportunities for
internal as well as external grants.

The Department of Biology has 35 full-time faculty, approximately 770
undergraduate majors, an interdisciplinary Environmental Science program,
and a growing Master’s program that currently enrolls 25 graduate students
(18 institutionally supported TA positions).  We recently completed the
construction of a 50,000 ft2 research and teaching addition to our science
building.  The department is research active with funding from external,
competitive sources (e.g., NSF, NIH, federal and state agencies).  Examples
of shared facilities and equipment include an on-campus nature reserve,
field stations, greenhouses, plant growth chambers, microscopy core,
molecular instrumentation, a portable photosynthesis system, and a
chlorophyll fluorometer.  Please visit our website for more details

Submit letter of interest, curriculum vitae, copies of graduate transcripts,
statements of teaching philosophy and research plans indicating where
students may participate, and the names and contact information for three
references to the on-line application process at https://jobs.uca.edu.

Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Brent Hill, Chair of
Biology (bh...@uca.edu).

Ph.D. required.  Postdoctoral experience is preferred.  Review of
applications will begin Nov 1st.  UCA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.

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