Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Stream Ecology 

A postdoctoral research scholar position is available in the Department of 
Applied Ecology 
at North Carolina State University. We are seeking a postdoctoral scholar to 
experimental and observational studies exploring how environmentally induced 
shifts in 
stream algal communities impact stream invertebrate secondary production and 
the flow 
energy and nutrients to fish and terrestrial consumers of stream insects. 

The primary responsibilities will include 1) conducting fieldwork in the 
Mountains, Rocky Mountains, and possibly other locations, sometimes for 
durations of 3-4 months, 2) some independence in research design and execution, 
3) and 
field sampling, sample processing and analyses, and publishing and presenting 
findings in collaboration with others.

Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in biology, entomology, ecology or a 
related field at 
the time of hire. Highly desirable qualifications include experience in one or 
more of the 
following areas: quantifying invertebrate secondary production, trophic basis 
production, organic matter flow, fatty acid analysis, invertebrate sampling, 
taxonomy and life histories, and knowledge of or an interest in fish or bird 
experiments and/or energetics.  

The postdoctoral scholar will be working with Brad Taylor’s Lab group.  For 
information regarding the research group and focal areas, please consult our 
(, and email if you have questions.  
addition, to interactions among our lab group, the position provides 
opportunities to 
interact with a vibrant group of scientists at NC State 
other institutions in North Carolina’s Research Triangle, and at the Rocky 
Biological Laboratory in Colorado ( 

The salary is $48,000-50,000 plus benefits. The position is for two years, with 
dependent on performance.  

Applicants should include a cover letter (stating their potential start date), 
a curriculum 
vitae, contact information for three references, 2-3 relevant publications, and 
a 1-2 page 
statement of research interests. Review of applications will begin on 31 
January 2018 and 
applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  The start date is 
flexible but no 
later than 15 April 2018.  

Apply at enter position number “PG170060PD” in the keyword 

North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action 

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