2 PhD opportunities are available to work with Phil Stephens 
(http://community.dur.ac.uk/philip.stephens/welcome.htm) at Durham University, 

1. Opportunity to study for a PhD on "The ecology of carnivore movement", with 
Phil Stephens 
and Michael Somers (http://www.michaelsomers.co.za/). This is open to students 
worldwide and is in competition for funding via a Durham Doctoral Scholarship. 
candidates usually have a high quality first degree, a masters, and evidence of 
in internationally-competitive journals. The deadline for applications is 12th 
January 2018. More 
details available here: https://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?

2. Fully-funded opportunity to study for a PhD on "Camera traps, image analysis 
and wild 
mammal monitoring", with Phil Stephens, in collaboration with partners at the 
Society of London (https://www.zsl.org) and the Durham Wildlife Trust 
Full funding is available only to students eligible for UK research council 
funding (see 
RCUK’s current studentship handbook, 
http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/documents/publications/traininggrantguidance-pdf/). The 
candidate will have a background in maths, 
statistics or computer science but a strong interest in ecology, or will be a 
highly numerate 
ecologist. S/he will have high quality first and masters degrees, or equivalent 
Evidence of publication in internationally-competitive journals is desirable. 
The deadline for 
applications is 2nd February 2018. More details available here: 

Durham University is the 3rd oldest University in England and is consistently 
highly ranked in the 
UK and globally (https://www.dur.ac.uk/about/rankings/).

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