Latest in Mongabay's conservation effectiveness series, please have a look
and leave a comment if you have anything to add, or subtract ~

   - *Scientists have been urging conservation NGOs to make decisions based
   on scientific evidence.*
   - *However, the big conservation NGOs run into many problems in trying
   to use the available science. Doing impact evaluations of their own
   projects is also hard and expensive, sources from the big conservation NGOs
   - *For their work to be effective, the conservation community needs to
   develop a common understanding of what credible evidence means, how to best
   use different strands of evidence, and how organizations can evaluate their
   work and create evidence that others can use, experts across the
   conservation spectrum seem to agree.*

...and please share with your colleagues, would be great to hear from lots
of people about this.



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*tw: @erikhoffner <>*

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