I have vacancy for a long stay, in the office of ARCAmazon on the river 
Tambopata in Puerto 
Maldonado of Madre de Dios, duties include assisting volunteers, consolidating 
marketing, fundraising, etc. please bring your skills to the organisation and 
help us conserve 
our 4,450 hectare conservation concession in the Las Piedras watershed. You 
will get to go to 
the lodge and experience amazing wildlife of Las Piedras 
www.conservetheamazon.org, but 
mainly you will be based in town unless you design a specific project to 
implement, you are 
asked to stay for a minimum of 3 months and work 4/5 hours a day Monday to 
Friday but the 
work is flexible. You are also welcome to bring your office work to my farm and 
stay/farm work 
at ReVerde www.centroreverde.com, but the work hours would still need to be 
completed for 
ARCAmazon. Accomodation and house food included.

Best wishes

Lucy Dablin


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