Online Landscape Genetics Graduate Student Course Available Jan 17 – May 9, 
2018, Wed 8:30 – 10:30 PST  (also can be taken at any time using taped lectures)

    Cost $500 individuals, $1000 Groups

    Course Organizers: Helene Wagner, Melanie Murphy, and Lisette Waits
    Co-Instructors: Niko Balkenhol, Jeff Bowman, Sam Cushman, Marie-Josee 
Fortin, Caren Goldberg, Nusha Keyghobadi, Erin Landguth, Stephanie Manel, Sean 
Schoville, Kim Selkoe, Steve Spear, and others

    Course description
    This course on Landscape Genetics provides a unique opportunity for 
interdisciplinary training and provides an overview of the field of landscape 
genetics. The course caters to students in basic and applied ecology, 
conservation and population genetics, landscape ecology, evolutionary biology 
and conservation biology. A key objective of landscape genetics is to study how 
landscape modification and habitat fragmentation affect organism dispersal and 
gene flow across the landscape. Landscape genetics requires highly 
interdisciplinary specialized skills making intensive use of technical 
population genetic skills and spatial analysis tools (spatial statistics, GIS 
tools and remote sensing).
    Landscape Genetics will be concurrently offered at multiple universities 
across the globe, giving students the opportunity to learn from international 
experts and work with peers from outside institutions. For students who are not 
members of the participating institutions, we are offering a web-based online 
course to reach a broader audience. Each course meeting will start with a live 
web-cast lecture (no special software required) by an expert on the topic that 
introduces foundations and methods and highlights points for discussion in 
local seminar groups.

    After breaking out into local course group discussion (including a 
discussion group for online course students), a web-based discussion across 
campuses will wrap up the weekly topic. Students who are unable to make it to 
live- cast of lectures can view taped lectures. In addition, students can 
choose to participate in an optional lab section using R and/or 
interdisciplinary group term projects with web-based collaboration across 
institutions. The final two options are provided to help students develop 
analytical skills in Landscape Genetics. Students who participate in group 
projects will have the option of applying to attend a project synthesis meeting 
in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in May 2018.

    Course website:

    How to register? Please register here by Dec 30th: A link to the registration form can 
also be found on the course website.

    Faculty who would like to add a local section of the course at their 
university can register as a group or multiple students at one institution can 
register as a group to decrease cost/student.

    Lisette Waits, PhD
    Distinguished Professor
    Department Head
    Fish and Wildlife Sciences
    University of Idaho
    Moscow, ID 83844-1136
    (208) 885-7823

Lisette Waits, PhD
Distinguished Professor
Department Head
Fish and Wildlife Sciences
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-1136
(208) 885-7823

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