Dr. Adam Terando with the Southeast Climate Science Center and Dr. Ross K. 
Meentemeyer at North Carolina State University are seeking a creative, 
motivated Ph.D. 
student with quantitative modeling interests to join an interdisciplinary team 
investigating the dynamics of urbanization and landscape change in the 
Southeast US. 
The position will begin Fall 2018 and is funded for four years at $25,000/year, 
benefits and tuition support, through the cutting-edge Geospatial Analytics 
program at NC State (geospatial.ncsu.edu). 

In cooperation with the USGS, the selected applicant will collaborate with a 
research group focused on the human dimensions of global change, conservation 
ecology, and decision science with geospatial analytics. The student will 
contribute to 
development and application of FUTURES, an open source land-change modeling 
framework for scenario-based simulations of landscape change. The student will 
encouraged to develop research questions and a project tailored to their unique 
interests and career goals. Competitive candidates will be proficient in 
python, C++ or 
equivalent programming language. Applicants should hold a degree in Geography, 
Ecology, Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, or a related discipline.

The Center for Geospatial Analytics is an internationally recognized 
collaborative hub 
for interdisciplinary data scientists advancing novel understanding of spatial 
phenomena and applying new knowledge to grand challenges. Students in the Ph.D. 
program receive multidisciplinary advising and the opportunity to work with 
over twenty 
faculty fellows with diverse expertise from nearly a dozen departments across 
State. Students also engage in experiential learning through an off-campus 

The Department of Interior Southeast Climate Science Center (SE CSC; 
https://globalchange.ncsu.edu/secsc/) is a joint federal-university research 
managed by the US Geological Survey and anchored at NC State University.  
together a diverse set of federal and academic researchers, the SE CSC is a 
leader in 
fostering collaborative global change research for the benefit of natural and 
resource managers. Students affiliated with the SE CSC also have the 
opportunity to 
participate in the university-sponsored Global Change Fellowship program.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position 
is filled. To 
apply, complete the application at grad.ncsu.edu/apply by February 1, 2018. 

To express interest in the position or to learn more, contact Dr. Terando 
(ajter...@ncsu.edu) or Dr. Meentemeyer (rkmee...@ncsu.edu). Additional details 
about the Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics and complete application 
are available at go.ncsu.edu/geospatial-phd. Interested students are also 
to contact Rachel Kasten, Graduate Services Coordinator (rachelkas...@ncsu.edu 
919-515-2800), with questions about the program or to explore additional 

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