ESA-QUBES Data Discovery - Bringing research data into undergraduate classrooms
January 30-May 15
APPLY By Jan 12

Join us for a unique networking and professional development opportunity from 
January - May 2018 for faculty interested in bringing research data into 
undergraduate classrooms. Faculty will implement selected Teaching Issues and 
Experiments in Ecology  (TIEE) modules in their introductory biology or ecology 
courses, with a focus on providing students with the quantitative skillset 
needed to 'scale up' to large ecological datasets.

For more information and to apply visit
Contact: If you have questions please feel free to contact Gaby Hamerlinck<>.

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs
ESA Office of Education and Diversity 

1990 M St NW Ste 700
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-833-8773 | Fax: 202-833-8775<>

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