We are looking for a prospective postdoc in aquatic ecology/modelling in 
a competitive cluster hire at the Faculty of Science, University of 
South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. 

Six postdoc positions are offered, each for 11 months with possibility 
of further extension. The positions start from 1 June 2018. Deadline for 
applications is on 5 February 2018. 

Our aquatic ecology group lead by Jaroslav Vrba and David Boukal is 
actively seeking candidates with expertise that complements of extends 
our own focus on consequences of human impacts such as climate change, 
habitat alteration and eutrophication on freshwater habitats and 
ecosystems. We combine laboratory and field experiments, long-term field 
studies and modelling to understand how environmental drivers shape 
individual life histories, species interactions, population dynamics and 
community assembly in standing freshwaters ranging from small pools to 
large reservoirs. 

Given the relatively short duration of the postdoc, candidates with 
interest in modelling, analysis of existing data or short-term 
experiments are preferred. 

Please send any informal enquiries to dbou...@prf.jcu.cz and 

The complete advertisements can be found at 
culty_of_Science-Interdisciplinary and 

Ceske Budejovice is a medium-sized town ca. 150 km south of Prague with 
100,000 inhabitants, a relaxed atmosphere, and a growing community of 
foreign scientists at 3 faculties and 5 research institutes dealing with 
aquatic and terrestrial biota and located on the same campus, allowing 
easy access to other researchers and resources. Both the town and the 
surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and 
leisure activities. Living costs are low by international standards. 
Czech courses are available for foreign staff.

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