When: June 11-15, 2018

Where: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), Annapolis, 

Application Deadline: April 2, 2018, 5pm EST

This 5-day short course will serve as an introduction to the theory and 
practice of 
spatially-explicit agent-based modeling (ABM). You will learn the essential 
background and technical expertise needed to conceptualize, build, and analyze 
first ABM. You will learn the essential theoretical background and technical 
needed to conceptualize, build, and analyze your first ABM. This course will 
guide you 
through the basic phases of the ABM research process: formulating a research 
question, specifying a model, creating a simulation and interpreting the 
output. The 
course combines lectures with hands-on model-building sessions where you will 
build a 
model using NetLogo to acquire basic and intermediate programming skills. More 
advanced students are welcome to build a model in a programming language of 
choice. This will be an intensive, week-long immersion in ABM concepts and 
with reading and short writing assignments each day, and a ‘final project’ 
consisting of 
a simple model and standardized documentation to be published in the OpenABM 
(www.openabm.org) repository.

Registration fees are $100 for graduate students and postdocs and $250 for 
and all others*. Financial assistance for the registration fee and/or flights 
and hotel 
costs for non-local participants is available in accordance with our travel 
policies, but 
requires a formal application demonstrating a clear need for assistance. 
from developing countries or smaller academic institutions will be prioritized 
assistance. Additional eligible travel expenses (e.g., meals and ground 
will be reimbursed for all attendees by SESYNC upon the completion and 
publishing of 
model code and description on OpenABM.

Visit sesync.us/sabm2018 to learn more and apply.

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