Dear colleagues,

Sorry for cross-posting, the link in my previous email did not work for all, 
so resending it with a simpler one below. 

A new position as 

ASSISTANT-PROFESSOR tenure-track in ECOLOGY (junior researcher profile) 

is now open at the Department of Ecology & Evolution (DEE; 
of the University of Lausanne (UNIL; See advertisement at:

(copy the full link above in a browser if it gets cut in multiple lines)

Please distribute widely to any potential candidate.

The University of Lausanne is a higher teaching and research institution 
composed of seven faculties where approximately 14,300 students and nearly
3,800 collaborators, professors, and researchers work and study. Ideally 
situated along the lake of Geneva, near Lausanne's city center, its campus 
brings together over 120 nationalities. The Department of Ecology and 
Evolution has a long track record of excellence in research. It is located 
on a beautiful and vibrant campus on the shore of Lake Geneva, sharing the 
site with the Federal Technical University, EPFL. A start-up package, a 
state-of-the-art research infrastructure, as well as a yearly research 
allowance for positions and consumables will be available within an 
environment favouring collaborations.

Applications should be posted online through the UNIL recruitment system by 
March 31st, 2018 (23:59 GMT+1). Seeking to promote an equitable 
representation of women and men among its staff, the University encourages 
applications from women.

Antoine Guisan, Professor
Head of the Spatial Ecology Group
With double affiliation to:
Dept. of Ecology and Evolution (DEE)  &
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST) University of Lausanne (UNIL)
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel +41 692 42 54 / 36 15
Check my new book:

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