Publication of First Federal Register Notice for CoP18 - Species Proposals at…/FR-2018-01-23/pdf/2018-01128.pdf Deadline 3/26/2018 Suggest reading the pdf file which is a copy of the Federal Register Notice, It's an excellent guide to the process and what is the criteria for consideration for a CITES listing. BUT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosemarie Gnam, Chief, Division of Scientific Authority, 703–358–1708 (phone); 703–358–2276 (fax); or (email). Allen Salzberg Publisher/Editor of HerpDigest Free Email Newsletter Reporting on Latest Herp Conservation and Scientific News ( Conservation Chairperson for New York Turtle & Tortoise Society Member of IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle IUCN Species Survival Group