A MSc position is available in the intensive silviculture lab at the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue (www.uqat.ca<http://www.uqat.ca>), Quebec, beginning May 2018. Working within the Forest Research Institute, the student will use an experimental design in the field to study the influence of soil temperature on growth and root development of white spruce (Picea glauca) and black spruce (Picea mariana). The latter is known for better tolerating cold and wet soils. A scholarship over two years is available. I seek students who are curious, passionate about trees, forest ecology and tree biology, have good academic records and can understand at least a bit of French. Preference will be given to students with prior research experience and good writing skills.
Interested candidates should apply by email (annie.desroch...@uqat.ca<mailto:annie.desroch...@uqat.ca>) and send: 1) a motivation letter describing their educational background and research experience, research interests, and educational and career goals, 2) a CV/resume, and 3) the names of three references by March 1st, 2018. Annie DesRochers, PhD Professeur-Chercheure Institut de Recherche sur les Forêts Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue 341 Principale Nord Amos, Qc, Canada, J9T2L8 Tel:1-819-732-8809<tel:1-819-732-8809> ext 8327 Fax: 1-819-797-4727 Email: annie.desroch...@uqat.ca<mailto:annie.desroch...@uqat.ca> http://www.cef-cfr.ca/index.php?n=Membres.AnnieDesRochers