We are seeking a PhD candidate to be part of a research team at Colorado
State University investigating post-fire regeneration in sagebrush steppe
and mixed-grass prairie ecosystems. Despite the important role of fire in
grassland and shrubland ecosystems, little is known about the physiological
effects of fire on belowground tissues of plants.  The candidate will have
the opportunity to work with a large team of researchers from USFS-RMRS,
USDA-ARS, USGS, and U of WY on a recently funded Joint Fire Science Program
Grant.  A major goal of the project is to quantify the physiological impact
of heat from fires on resprouting tissues of plants and evaluate the
demographic consequences of these disturbances. This work will involve field
and lab work (including work with the USFS Fire Lab) and will utilize a
range of physiological techniques, bud dissection and/or anatomy, and the
development of new methods to measure and characterize bud physiology.  The
position will include work in South Dakota, Colorado, and Wyoming. 
Preference will be given to candidates with a M.S. degree in plant ecology
and/or plant ecophysiology and those with strong quantitative skills.  We
would like to find a student that can begin this spring or early summer. 
The PhD candidate will be co-advised by Troy Ocheltree (CSU) and Jacqueline
Ott (USFS-RMRS).  Please send a resume and statement of interest to Troy
Ocheltree (troy.ochelt...@colostate.edu) if you are interested in this

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