This is the second call for an REU opportunity for one undergraduate student 
interested in an NSF research experience in forest ecology, physiology and 
genetics of disease resistance in collaboration with the Still lab at Oregon 
State University and the USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resource Center in 
Cottage Grove, OR.

To apply please email Johnson and Still an updated copy of your CV (including 
GPA) and a one page statement of your research interests and experience, as 
well as goals for your education and career. Applicants should arrange to have 
one faculty member provide a letter of recommendation (email is fine).

Students with experience in quantitative genetics, physiology, mixed model 
analysis, GIS and/or bioinformatics are encouraged to apply. Application 
deadline is 9 March 2018. Feel free to email us with questions.

-Jeremy Johnson, Postdoctoral Research Associate - Dorena Genetic Resource 

-Chris Still, Principle Investigator:<>

For more information—


Jeremy S. Johnson Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Forestry
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011

Office: Dorena Genetic Resource Center
Cottage Grove, OR
office phone:541.767.5718

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