Background of Organization
Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program (GPOCP) is dedicated to the 
conservation of orangutans and biodiversity in and around Gunung Palung 
National Park (GPNP).  GPNP is home to one of the last remaining tracts 
of pristine lowland dipterocarp forest in the world and the critically 
endangered Bornean orangutan.  In 1999, GPOCP was founded by orangutan 
researchers Dr. Cheryl Knott and Elizabeth Yaap to address the 
conservation threats facing wild orangutans in GPNP by working with 
local communities.  GPOCP was legally registered as an Indonesian NGO in 
2002 under the name Yayasan Palung.  Our community-based programs 
include environmental education, a public conservation awareness 
campaign, animal rescue, activities to prevent illegal trade in 
endangered species and to reduce human-orangutan conflict, development 
of environmentally friendly and sustainable livelihoods for local 
communities, a community forest project, and scientific research on wild 
orangutan populations.  For more information about our work, please 
visit our website ( 

Job Description: Program and Development Director 
We are currently seeking a highly-motivated and committed individual to 
oversee our programs in Indonesia and our fundraising efforts.  The 
Program Director is a senior position on the ground, reporting directly 
to Dr. Cheryl Knott (Executive Director). The ideal candidate will have 
previous experience in conservation or community development in 
Indonesia, and working proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia.

The Program and Development Director will be responsible for:

Fundraising and Program Development (30%) 
Support the on-going development of our programs and related activities; 
work with staff and board to strategize and develop new directions for 
Yayasan Palung that will accomplish its ultimate goal of orangutan 
conservation; identify funding opportunities and develop appropriate 
funding proposals in close coordination with the Executive Director; 
produce grant reports for existing grants and new grant funding 
received; assist the Executive Director in liaising with and reporting 
to current and potential donors; organize site visits for current and 
potential donors; represent GPOCP in Indonesia at workshops and meetings 
with other NGOs and government agencies.

Staff Management (25%)
Directly oversee the 20 Indonesian staff with support of Program 
Managers; hold monthly meetings to maintain open communication between 
project teams; monitor and evaluate staff performance, including 
reviewing contracts.

Communications (10%)
Create monthly newsletters on program activities; make regular Facebook, 
Twitter, and Instagram postings; update website to inform and empower 
individual supporters abroad.

Capacity Building (15%) 
Tailor staff capacity building activities to existing and needed skills; 
conduct internal capacity building activities to build basic office, 
computer and language skills; assist staff in planning, implementing, 
monitoring and evaluating program activities through annual and monthly 
work plans and reports; coordinate visits and training from outside 
experts and volunteers; assist staff in identifying relevant external 
training courses they can attend to help further build capacity.    

Financial Oversight (10%)                                                       
Provide oversight of financial reporting, cash management and banking; 
participate in evaluations of senior staff; advise Executive Director on 
personnel decisions

Reporting and Administrative Duties (10%)
Regularly liaison with Executive Director via email and Skype; write 
program activity and progress reports and produce an annual report each 

• Master’s degree in biological anthropology, primatology, conservation 
biology, ecology, natural resource management or related field
• Language fluency in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
• Demonstrated knowledge and experience in grant writing and reporting
• Previous fundraising experience (including with foundations, 
individuals, corporations and/or government is desirable)
• Understanding of conservation and development issues in Southeast Asia
• Experience in tropical field conservation and/or research projects 
(min. 3 years)
• Staff management and coordination experience
• Experience managing internal capacity building
• Ability to work productively with a multicultural staff in remote, 
rural areas
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Computer Proficiency (including Excel and other Office software)
• Experience with data management software such as Access or Filemaker 
is desirable
• Previous experience working in Indonesia is desirable

Term of Appointment
2 years (extendable upon agreement by both parties)

Closing Date                                                  
Accepting applications until position is filled

Application Instructions
Candidates are invited to apply by emailing a Cover Letter detailing why 
you believe you are suitable for the position, Curriculum Vitae, writing 
sample and three references to Executive Director, Cheryl Knott: and cc:, with the job title as 
the subject heading. All applications should be made in English.

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