
I am pleased to announce that registration for the tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration's Midwest-Great Lakes (SER MWGL) Chapter is now open.  This year's Annual Meeting is being held in Stevens Point, Wisconsin from April 20 to April 22, 2018 and is being held in conjunction with the 40th Annual Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention and Water Action Volunteer Symposium.  Our meeting goal is to explore how to promote the call to expand restoration efforts and partnerships beyond the typical site scale to larger spatial scales encompassing multiple ecosystem types.  We have an exciting three days planned that includes a keynote presentation by Stephen Carpenter; a plenary presentation by Tracy Hames, a special Plenary Session on “Applied Learning Through Practice, Research and Reflection: Engaging University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Students in Meaningful Ecological Restoration in Central Wisconsin”; two symposia; four Workshops; three field trips; three volunteer work day opportunities; and 59 contributed oral and poster presentations with presenters from the midwestern United States and adjacent states.  More details about our annual meeting can be found on our annual meeting webpage listed below:

We encourage interested attendees to register by March 21, 2018 to get the discounted early bird registration prices.  Additionally, Chapter members receive discounted meeting registration prices as well as the benefits of a member of the SER MWGL Chapter and its international parent society SER.  Interested attendees may register online for the meeting using the webpage listed below:

Additionally, we are seeking continuing education credits from the International Society of Arboriculture, Society of American Foresters, and the Society for Ecological Restoration.  Once we receive approval to offer continuing education credits we will post the available credits offered on our Annual Meeting Webpage and will provide a meeting passport for tracking attendance and independently seeking professional development hours from other organizations.

We are grateful for the generous support of this year's meeting host (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s Lakes Extension and College of Natural Resources) and our meeting sponsors (Cindy Crosby-Northwestern University Press, Ernst Seeds, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Grand Valley State University, Landscapes of Place, Partnership for River Restoration and Science in the Upper Midwest, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, University of Northern Iowa Tallgrass Prairie Center, Wisconsin Office of The Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Wetlands Association).

Please feel free to pass this information on to your colleagues who you think would be interested in attending and participating in our upcoming Chapter meeting.  Hope to see you in Stevens Point, Wisconsin in April.


Rocky Smiley
At-Large Representative/Annual Meeting Chair
SER Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter

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