Calling all ecological data experts to help answer questions about how to deal 
with all the data ecologists are collecting! Or are you a tool developer who 
wants to show off cool tools using loads of ecological data? Do you know 
metadata, best practices for data management or ecological coding, and want to 
help others?

Ecological data repositories and data specialists will collaborate at the 
upcoming ESA meeting in New Orleans to add a Data Help Desk to the 
Poster/Exhibition Hall. The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI), Earth Science 
Information Partners (ESIP), iDigBio, DataCite, DataONE, and Arctic Data Center 
(ADC) are looking for Help Desk participants in four areas:

1) Data Reference Desk (where volunteers can answer data questions)

2) Private ‘Meet the Expert’ sessions (by prior sign-up)

3) Mini-Workshops on Data Topics and

4) Tool and Platform Demos (where volunteers can provide a tool/service 

Mini-workshops and demos can be short or up to an hour long.

We are looking for volunteers to sign-up for each of the Help Desk sections for 
hour long shifts. Sign-up is here:


Looking forward to seeing many of you in New Orleans and thanks for supporting 
this ecological Data Help Desk!

--EDI, ESIP, iDigBio,DataONE,DataCite,and ADC

Kristin Vanderbilt, Ph.D.
Information Manager
Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
OE 148, Florida International University
University Park
Miami, Florida 33199

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