Dear colleagues,

As I struggle more and more to keep track of the cash flow in my lab, I
figured I could ask the community if there is a tool to answer my problem.
As a matter of fact, I don't think it is a very specific problem, as it
should match the needs of any PI in academia. In short, I'm looking for a
software that works in the world of academia and grant funding.

This software should at the very least have the following features:

- free software;
- installable on a web server (whether shared hosting or not);
- transaction based, i.e. the elementary unit is a transaction;
- categories for transactions (e.g. food, salary, purchase, travel, grant,
etc.) which are associated to income or expense;
- multi-users (with different roles and permissions), so that lab members
can edit their own transactions, without necessarily having access to the
entire lab budget or past transactions;
- multiple accounts/projects/grants, to differentiate different pots of money;
- able to deal with salaries (recurring payroll) without the need of a
manual action;
- possibility to add attachments (admin reports, travel authorization,
etc.) and additional information (detailed description, note, etc.).

Optional (but highly desired) features:

- provide status of a transaction (e.g. none, clear, reconciled) to track
- split bills over several accounts, i.e. a single transaction can be split
to use several sources of money;
- possibility to group transactions under a single umbrella (for instance
all expenses related to a single travel with a Travel Report Number), e.g.
with tags or reference number;
- possibility to use a template for transactions, or add a transaction that
inherits the characteristics of an existing transaction.

I use HomeBank [1] for my own personal use. While it is (almost) perfect
for a single person, it is not on-line, and thus not possible to share it
with other lab members. That makes it non-scalable within a lab.

I am currently testing Akaunting [2], which seems to be tailored for
business that actually sell products. It could be set to cover almost all
of my needs, but can't handle (yet?) payroll, and implement a rather
constraining approach of vendors, which need to be listed prior to add any

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Mathieu Basille.




Mathieu Basille |
+1 954-577-6314 | University of Florida FLREC

  « Le tout est de tout dire, et je manque de mots
  Et je manque de temps, et je manque d'audace. »
  — Paul Éluard

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