The BioQUEST/QUBES Summer Workshop is looking for four highly motivated 
future faculty (postdocs or advanced graduate students) volunteers to 
participate and help with the day to day logistics of the workshop. This 
year's workshop theme is Wicked Problems: Investigating Real World Problems 
in the Science Classroom. The workshop will take place at Harvey Mudd College 
in Claremont, CA from June 18-23. Selected future faculty volunteers will 
receive a registration fee waiver to attend the workshop, but must cover 
their own travel and housing expenses. Volunteers are expected to participate 
in the full workshop. More information can be found on our website 
( Contact Gaby Hamerlinck 
(gaby"dot"hamerlinck"at"bioquest"dot"org) for more information. Application 
deadline is April 6.

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