Dear Colleague Letter - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - 
Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP)
April 16, 2018
Dear Colleagues:
The Division of Graduate Education announces the continuation of the Graduate 
Research Internship Program (GRIP). GRIP provides professional development to 
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellows (referred to as 
"Fellows") through internships developed in partnership with federal agencies 
(see for a current list of partner agencies). Through 
GRIP, Fellows participate in mission-related, collaborative research under the 
guidance of host research mentors at federal facilities and national 
laboratories. GRIP enhances the Fellows' professional skills, professional 
networks, and preparation for a wide array of career options. The sponsor 
agencies benefit by engaging Fellows in applied projects, helping to develop a 
highly skilled U.S. workforce in areas of national need.
Through GRIP, Fellows benefit from partnerships developed by NSF and other 
federal agencies to provide internship opportunities. Internship details for 
each partner agency differ and are available through links to agency websites. 
As additional agencies develop internship partnerships with NSF, updates will 
be made to the GRIP website (
GRIP is open to active Fellows (both "on tenure" and "on 
 who have completed at least one year of their graduate program at the time of 
application and will retain their active status for at least 12 months 
following the application submission deadline. They must be certified by the 
GRFP Institution to be making satisfactory progress towards their degrees, and 
have fulfilled all GRFP reporting requirements. For some agencies, Fellows must 
be U.S. citizens.
Fellows are encouraged to consult the GRFP Administrative Guide for questions 
related to their fellowship. This is accessed through the following link:
GRIP internship allowances are awarded to Fellows based on a twice-yearly 
competition. The maximum number of Fellows to be supported by GRIP in each 
fiscal year is 75. All GRIP awards are subject to the availability of funds, 
merit review, and acceptance by both the National Science Foundation and NSF's 
partner agencies.
A Fellow may submit one (1) application per partner agency and may apply to a 
maximum of two (2) partner agencies for each submission deadline. A Fellow may 
receive only one (1) GRIP internship per fellowship year. Previous GRIP 
recipients may reapply to conduct internships with the same partner agency as 
their original award, or propose a new internship project, as long as they meet 
the general eligibility requirements.
All internship applications are subject to: 1) confirmation by the Fellow's 
advisor that the Fellow is making satisfactory progress in her or his graduate 
degree program and that participation in GRIP will enhance the Fellow's 
graduate education; 2) the availability of funds from NSF and appropriate 
resources from partner agencies; and 3) review of the applications and 
acceptance by the National Science Foundation and the partner agency. In some 
cases, Fellows will be required to pass a background and/or security clearance 
check before they may begin an internship position. Background and/or security 
clearance checks will be conducted by the individual agencies. Interested 
Fellows should check with the partner agency contact to see if they meet the 
clearance criteria for the agency to which they are applying.
Fellows will not be employees and will not conduct inherently governmental 
functions. Fellows must not act in a manner that would lead anyone to believe 
s/he is an employee of, or a representative of, NSF or the partner agencies. 
Please see the Guiding 
Principles<> for 
Fellows and partner agencies.
GRIP Internship Funding and Allowable Costs
Fellows will receive an internship allowance of $5,000 through their GRFP 
institution to cover travel and research costs associated with the GRIP 
internship project (see the Budget and Budget Justification section below for 
restrictions on use of NSF funds). Additional support to cover expenses while 
the Fellow is conducting the GRIP internship differs among partner agencies. 
Further information, including links to the partner agencies' GRIP websites, is 
available on the NSF GRIP website ( The internship 
allowance provided by NSF may be used to fund multiple trips to the partner 
agency within the award period, subject to the approval of the partner agency 
and the Fellow's research advisor and GRFP institution.
Fellows "on tenure" selected for GRIP will receive a GRIP internship allowance 
in addition to their NSF GRFP stipend through their GRFP institution. The NSF 
GRFP stipend remains subject to U.S. tax laws. Fellows "on reserve" for any or 
all of the GRIP research experience period will not receive the NSF GRFP 
stipend during the period they are on "on reserve" but will receive the GRIP 
internship allowance and associated support from the partner agency.
GRIP funding is an internship allowance to the Fellow for the current 
fellowship year or subsequent fellowship year. Fellows must complete their GRIP 
internship and associated travel before the end of August of the subsequent 
fellowship year or by the end of the Fellow's GRFP Fellowship 
 whichever occurs first. GRIP funds may not be transferred to another Fellow 
and may not be used to support travel for spouses or dependents.
The NSF internship allowance is for use by the Fellow during the internship 
experience identified in the application. The institution will disburse the 
$5,000 internship allowance to the Fellow. Proposed internship projects must be 
a minimum of 2 months, and may be up to 12 months. Extensions are subject to 
the approval of the Fellow's GRFP institution, NSF, and the partner agency.
GRIP Application Submission and Review Schedule
Please note that the information presented is current at the time of 
publishing. See the GRIP website<> for any program 

  *   GRIP is announced to Fellows and GRFP Institutions. Fellows review 
available GRIP opportunities on agency websites and may contact possible host 
researchers to develop their applications. GRIP applications are due December 4 
and May 6.
  *   Fellows submit GRIP applications through the GRFP FastLane module, 
adhering to the NSF submission guidelines specified in the GRFP FastLane 
module. The GRFP Coordinating Official must approve the submission before NSF 
receives the application. Applicants are encouraged to check with their GRFP 
Coordinating Official regarding institutional policies and deadlines for 
submitting GRIP requests. GRIP applications that are incomplete or do not 
comply with the submission guidelines will be returned without review.
  *   GRIP applications are reviewed internally by NSF using the National 
Science Board-approved Merit Review Criteria and additional criteria described 
below (GRIP Application Review). Meritorious GRIP applications are forwarded to 
the GRIP contact person at each partner agency for review and approval by the 
partner agency.
  *   Fellows and their Coordinating Officials are notified via email and NSF's 
Fastlane system of the outcome of the selection and review process. GRIP 
internship allowances are provided to the GRFP institutions as part of the 
summer or fall funding increment. The GRFP PI and Financial Official provide 
administrative and financial oversight of the GRIP internship allowance(s) of 
Fellows selected for GRIP as part of the GRFP award to the institution.
  *   GRIP internships must be initiated in the fellowship year following 
announcement of the award. GRIP Fellows must complete their internship and 
associated travel before the end of their GRFP Fellowship Period.
Instructions for Preparing GRIP Applications

  1.  Applications for GRIP are submitted by Fellows through the "GRFP 
Additional Funding Opportunities" link in the GRFP FastLane module. The GRFP 
Coordinating Official approves the GRIP application in the GRFP FastLane module 
and through this action submits the application to the NSF.
  2.  GRIP applications include all of the following elements (in the order 
they appear below),
     *   The name of the Fellow, Fellow ID, Project Title, Start Date of 
Graduate Program, Proposed Partner Agency, Host/Sponsoring Researcher(s), 
Proposed Dates and Duration of Internship. The host researcher(s) and partner 
agency must be identified.
     *   Project summary. (Limit: 1 page). A summary consisting of an overview 
of the internship project and collaboration and separate statements of the 
Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts of the proposed internship activities. 
Each section must be formatted with separate headings (i.e., Overview, 
Intellectual Merit, and Broader Impacts. The Professional Development plan 
should be summarized in the Broader Impacts section. The Project Summary should 
be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and, 
insofar as possible, understandable to a broad audience within the scientific 
     *   Project Description. (Limit: 2 pages, including references; single 
spaced). A concise, substantive description of the proposed plan for the 
internship research and general interaction between the Fellow and the proposed 
host research partner(s), including a justification for the duration of the 
proposed internship visit(s), project timeline, and the expected mutual 
scientific/engineering benefits and outcomes of the project.
The Project Description must describe how the Fellow will:

        *   Integrate the proposed internship activities into the Fellow's 
graduate degree program and future career goals.
        *   Benefit from mentoring and specialized expertise, equipment, 
facilities, field sites, data, and/or other resources.
     *   The Professional Development Plan (Limit: 1 page; single-spaced)
The Professional Development Plan must describe how the Fellow will:

        *   Build professional skills and collaborations that will enhance and 
contribute to the Fellow's professional development, professional network, and 
future career goals.
Applications submitted by previous GRIP awardees must include a section labeled 
"Results of Prior GRIP Support." The section must include a summary of the 
outcomes and accomplishments of the GRIP internship and, if the application is 
for renewed support with the same internship partner(s), a description of the 
relation of the completed work to the proposed work.

     *   Budget and Budget Justification: (Limit: 2 pages). The budget should 
consist of a $5,000 internship allowance request for the Fellow's costs 
incurred as a result of the internship project. Anticipated expenses should be 
itemized and reported in tabular format. Allowable expenses include, but are 
not limited to, travel to host site and agency, visa applications (if 
applicable), field permits, research supplies, excess luggage, travel and 
health insurance, per diem, and other travel-related costs. Support for Fellow 
stipends, major pieces of equipment, large amounts for materials and supplies, 
and spouse and dependent travel are not allowed. Travel to specific conferences 
and workshops may be included, but relevance to the internship project must be 
justified. Applications may not consist primarily of conference or workshop 
travel; internship host researcher engagement is required. The Budget 
Justification should include a reference to airfare (estimated) and other 
travel, relocation, and project costs (the remainder of the amount requested) 
for the project.
Fellows are responsible for making their own travel arrangements, as well as 
for obtaining health insurance, travel insurance, passports, visas, and any 
other required travel documents, if applicable. Fellows traveling to foreign 
countries also must adhere to the requirements contained in the NSF Proposal & 
Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter 
XI.F<>. Travel 
that fails to comply with these requirements cannot be reimbursed with federal 

     *   Biographical sketch of the NSF Graduate Fellow: (Limit: 2 pages). A 
biographical sketch is required and must be submitted using the NSF guidelines 
for senior personnel [see NSF PAPPG Chapter 
Applicants should not include personal information, such as home address, 
telephone, fax, date of birth, or drivers' license number.
     *   Letter of Endorsement from the Fellow's Research Advisor: (Limit: 2 
pages). The letter should be written on organization/institution letterhead and 
should describe the anticipated research benefits of the internship project for 
the Fellow's graduate program and the anticipated impact on her/his career. The 
letter must also indicate that the Fellow is making satisfactory progress in 
her or his graduate degree program.
GRIP Application Review
GRIP applications will be reviewed by NSF using the National Science 
Board-approved Merit Review Criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. 
In addition, the following criteria will be used in evaluating the applications:

  *   The potential opportunities for effective research collaboration;
  *   The potential for effective professional development for the Fellow;
  *   The potential for effective career development/opportunities;
  *   Any agency-specific criteria (see proposed host agency website).
NSF and agency partner program officers will review internship applications. 
Approval by NSF and the sponsoring partner agency is required before GRIP 
internships are announced. NSF will notify Fellows and the Coordinating 
Officials via email and NSF's GRFP FastLane Module regarding the status of GRIP 
applications, within 3 months of the application deadlines.
Reporting Requirements

  *   Fellows who receive GRIP internship allowances must submit a report by 
May 1 of the following year through the GRFP FastLane Module that details the 
experience and accomplishments of the GRIP internship activities. The report 
should highlight publications, presentations, and other products or 
achievements that are outcomes of the GRIP activities. The report should also 
highlight any professional development achievements such as gaining proficiency 
in professional skills (e.g., communication, technical writing, project 
management, etc.) and expanding professional networks.
  *   All reporting must be approved for "Public Release" by the partner 
agency. In some cases, Fellows may have to submit an internal report to the 
partner agency and a separate "cleared" report to NSF that does not contain 
sensitive information but does report on the general accomplishments and 
professional development of the Fellow through the internship opportunity.
  *   The GRFP Institution disburses the $5,000 internship allowance to the 
Fellow and is responsible for reporting the expended GRIP allowance ($5,000) 
for each Fellow on the GRFP Program Expense Report covering the time period of 
the internship.
[1] Fellowship Tenure status is the period of time during which active Fellows 
receive GRFP financial support. Fellowship Reserve status is the period of time 
during which active Fellows do not receive GRFP financial support. An active 
Fellow is within the five-year Fellowship Period; not Completed or Terminated.
National Science Foundation<><>

Alison Mize
Director of Public Affairs

Ecological Society of America
1990 M Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC  20036<><>
703.625.3628 (cell)
202.833.8773 ext. 205 (office)

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