2 SUMMER COURSES in Primate Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation:

“Primate Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation” (3 credits), June 18-July 
1, 2018, held at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front 
Royal, Virginia.

“Primate Behavior and Conservation in Peru” (3 credits), July 6-July 24, 
2018, held at the Los Amigos Biological Field Station or Centro de 
Investigación y Capacitación Río Los Amigos (CICRA), located in Madre de 
Dios, Peru.

Courses offered by the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation and 
overseas coordination by the Global Education Office at George Mason 
Led by Dr. Anneke DeLuycker, 

Primates are one of the most charismatic yet highly endangered 
vertebrate groups on the planet; more than half of all primate species 
are under threat of extinction in the wild. These courses provide 
training in field methodology in conducting research on primates. They 
also address the need to develop research that will help to inform and 
engage conservation solutions for primates and their habitats. 

Primate Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation
The first course, “Primate Behavior, Ecology and Conservation” (CONS 
480/CONS 580), held June 18-July 1, is a 2-week course that gives 
students theoretical and practical experience in conducting research on 
primates. The skills learned in this course will help guide students in 
developing a research project proposal that covers the basics of 
research design including developing a pertinent research question, 
hypothesis, and appropriate methodology. This course is held at the 
Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation based at the Smithsonian 
Conservation Biology Institute, in Front Royal, Virginia. 
In this course students will:
• Identify the behavioral and ecological strategies that primates employ 
and their role in the ecological community
• Carry out basic field methods relevant to the study of primates
• Learn about various conservation challenges that primates face
• Design a research study focused on primate biology, behavior, and 
ecological adaptations

Tuition and Fees: 
This course gives 3 credit hours. Undergraduate: In-State: $1,954, Out-
of-State: $5,695; Graduate: In-State: $2,380, Out-of-State: $3,452. 
Additional fees: $60 (Educational Resource fee), $80 (Lab fee), $48 
(Course fee). (Fees based on Spring 2018 rates; subject to change). Room 
and board provided on-site in residential-style accommodations (all 
meals and lodging in dorm-style room).

Who May Apply:
• These courses are open to undergraduate students in good academic 
standing (minimum GPA of 2.25) as well as graduate students (minimum GPA 
of 3.0), recent graduates (post-baccalaureates), non-degree seeking 
students and non-Mason students. 
• Course is limited to a small number of participants; register early to 
reserve a spot!

How to Apply:
Mason Students: Register in Patriot Web (CONS 480 is undergraduate 
level; CONS 580 is graduate level)
Non-Mason Students: Apply as a non-degree-seeking student at 


Primate Behavior and Conservation in Peru
Students have the option to register for an “add-on” field experience 
course, “Primate Behavior and Conservation in Peru” (CONS 497), held 
July 6-24, offered through the George Mason Study Abroad Global 
Education Office (GEO). In this course, students conduct independent 
research on primate species in the wild, in a tropical rainforest 
setting. Building off skills and techniques learned in the companion 
theory and methods course (CONS 480/580), students will carry out their 
independent research through the collection, analysis and interpretation 
of data, and will summarize research in a written report and present 
findings in an oral presentation. Students will also learn first-hand 
the conservation issues affecting tropical forests in this region and 
strategies used to mitigate these concerns. The course is held at Los 
Amigos Biological Station, or Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Río 
Los Amigos (CICRA), in Madre de Dios, Peru. This field station is 
managed by the Amazon Conservation Association (ACA) 

Tuition and Fees:
Course fee: $3,625 
-Fee includes: Tuition for 3 credits, daily room and board at CICRA 
field station (all meals and lodging in dorm-style room), round-trip 
ground transportation to/from field station, hotel accommodations in 
Puerto Maldonado at the beginning and end of program, guest lectures by 
researchers conducting long-term research at the field station, 
international emergency medical insurance. 
-Fees not included: Airfare, passport fees, required field equipment 
(binoculars, field notebooks, digital watch, rubber boots, headlamp, 
etc; full equipment list will be provided.), personal spending, required 
textbooks and/or course materials.

Scholarships are available to George Mason students. George Mason 
students may also use financial aid to cover a program's cost. If you 
are not a George Mason university student check with your Study Abroad 
Office or Office of Financial Aid to learn more about how to cover the 
cost of your study abroad.

Who May Apply:
• These courses are open to undergraduate students in good academic 
standing (minimum GPA of 2.25) as well as graduate students (minimum GPA 
of 3.0), recent graduates (post-baccalaureates), non-degree seeking 
students and non-Mason students. 
• Students are expected to be in adequate physical condition and able to 
hike/walk within a tropical rainforest on a daily basis.
• As this course is in the Amazon rainforest, there are disease risks. 
There are no required vaccinations for travel to Peru, but there are 
some recommendations. 
• This is a remote field station, only accessible by boat. Students must 
be prepared to adjust to life in the humid, wet tropics with basic 

How to Apply:
• To register, go to: https://masonabroad.gmu.edu/index.cfm?

For more information about these courses, contact:
Dr. Anneke DeLuycker, Assistant Professor of Conservation Studies
Course Instructor, Academic Director
Email address: adelu...@gmu.edu
Phone number: 540-635-0463

Denise Elles-Mdahuar, Study Abroad Program Manager
Email address: delle...@gmu.edu 
Phone number: 703-993-2155; Toll free: 866-468-1243

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