*Postdoctoral Researcher in global change and plant community ecology in Finland/Germany*

University of Oulu is an international scientific community, with 14 000 students and approximately 3 000 employees. The strengths of the University are wide multidisciplinary study/research interests, modern research and study environment and good cooperation with international educational and research institutes. The following job is open in the University of Oulu, Ecology and Genetics Research Unit, and is in cooperation with Physiological Diversity Department, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. Location of work will be at least partly in Leipzig, Germany (this can be negotiated).


*Brief description of the project/position:*

We seek a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to work with an international researcher team in a project funded by Academy of Finland (“Biotic modulators of plant community resistance and resilience to multiple global changes”). The postdoctoral researcher will be working with a range of questions and data sets related (but not limited) to interactions among herbivory, plant competition, climate change and nutrient enrichment, and how these interact to impact plant community composition and diversity, flowering phenology and/or ecosystem functioning. The research is based on experimental approaches in different ecosystems (grasslands, tundra). Successful applicant will be based at least partly in Leipzig, Germany, and will be doing field work both in Germany and Finland, possibly also in other countries. We are particularly interested in applicants with strong experimental background, field work experience, expertise in plant traits, plant-herbivore interactions, and/or climate and global change ecology. Excellent writing and communication skills, strong statistical skills, ability to work in an international team and mobility (willingness to travel in several countries) are requirements for this position.


*Essential qualifications:*

 * Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in ecology or in a similar field
 * Excellent written and spoken English
 * Willingness to be mobile
 * Successful candidates will have demonstrated experimental,
   statistical and writing skills to independently carry out field
   experiments, analyze data and write publications

*Desirable qualifications:*

 * Good communication skills in an international team
 * Creative and independent scientific thinking
 * Good statistical modelling skills with R
 * Good knowledge of global change ecology, plant-herbivore
   interactions and/or plant traits

*The position is currently funded for two years.* The salary will be based on the levels 5 – 6 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 46.3 % of the job-specific component). The total salary for these levels (before tax) currently ranges from about 3300 – 3700 Euros/month for full-time employment, depending on qualifications and performance.

*Apply online latest on Sunday 31.05.2018 at 24:00 (Finnish local time)*. Please include the following attachments in your application: Cover letter (describing experience relevant to this position, research interests, general career goals, motivation and why this position is of interest to you), Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, and contact information for three references.

*The position is filled as of 1.8.2018* or as soon as possible (the start date is flexible in order to accommodate the best applicants, and could also start earlier). A trial period of 6 months is applied to the position.

*Further details* are available from Dr. Anu Eskelinen (anu.eskelinen(at)idiv.de <mailto:anu.eskeli...@idiv.de>) who is the PI of the project. Please also see the following web page: https://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=38880.

To apply for the job: https://rekry.saima.fi/certiahome/application_edit_welcome.html?field_id=0&job_name=Postdoctoral+Researcher+in+global+change+and+plant+community+ecology+in+Finland%2FGermany&job_id=5574&jc=1&lang=en&place_id=44&did=5600

Link to the job announcement: https://rekry.saima.fi/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&jc=1&id=00005574&lang=en

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