Postdoctoral scholar: Distribution and connectivity of desert bighorn sheep
in the Mojave Desert of California

We seek a postdoctoral researcher to lead a collaborative research project
involving Oregon State University, the National Park Service, and the
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, investigating connectivity,
distribution, and the potential for restoring connectivity of desert bighorn
sheep populations in California. The researcher will use remote cameras,
field surveys, non-invasive genetics, high-resolution location data from GPS
collars, and experimental approaches to evaluate distribution,
inter-population connectivity, and interaction of bighorn sheep with
human-made barriers in the Mojave Desert. 

This full-time position (Postdoctoral Scholar, 1.0 FTE, annual salary
$47,484-$50,316 depending on qualifications, with health care benefits)
requires a one-year commitment, with possibility for extension depending on
performance and availability of funds, starting September 1, 2018 or as
early as possible thereafter. The project is intended to be of at least 3
years’ duration, so the ideal candidate would be available for that length
of time. The position will be based in Clinton Epps’ research group
( in Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
at Oregon State University (OSU). Applicants must have been awarded a Ph.D.
<3 years ago, <2 years ago preferred. The individual in this position will
spend time at OSU in Corvallis, Oregon, as well as weeks or months based out
of field sites in the Mojave Desert (some camping required).

A Postdoctoral Scholar is expected to receive mentorship, create an
individual development plan, and may devote 15% of time to professional
development; thus, this position is intended for early-career post-Ph.D.
scientists. More about this type of position can be found here:

Qualifications: A Ph.D. (awarded between Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2018) in a
relevant field (e.g., ecology, conservation biology, wildlife science) is
required, as is expertise with GIS and large spatial data sets, excellent
quantitative skills, a demonstrated ability to publish research in
peer-reviewed journals, and willingness to conduct field research in harsh
and remote environments. Experience with agency collaborations, collecting
and analyzing large remote camera datasets, and safe conduct of field
research in harsh and remote environments strongly preferred. 

Responsibilities: Assisting with refining the study design and overseeing
implementation of the research, training and supervising technicians or
assistants, conducting field work, managing permits and other field
logistics, working closely with agency partners on research and outreach,
analyzing data, presenting findings at stakeholder and scientific meetings,
and writing and publishing reports and manuscripts.

Application Procedure: Please provide 1) a cover letter detailing how your
qualifications and experience have prepared you for this position; 2) a CV
detailing academic preparation, publications, and relevant research
experience, with names of at least 4 professional references, their email
addresses and telephone contact numbers; and 3) pdf copies of your most
relevant recent peer-reviewed publication(s) (up to 3). Please submit these
materials to Dr. Clinton W. Epps via email If
possible, please submit your application as a single merged .pdf; please
limit file sizes to <8MB.

For more information, contact Clinton Epps at:;

Applications will be reviewed as they are received and the position will
remain open until filled, but we suggest submitting applications no later
than June 15 2018 for full consideration.

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