One space is available in my field ecology course this summer. 

The class involves online work in June and July in conjunction with a 2-week 
field trip (5-20 July) in 
Nova Scotia. Travel will by Villanova University van from Villanova (or pick-up 
spots en route). 

Course elements include general natural history observation (terrestrial and 
coastal) with an emphasis 
on field ornithology; introduction to collection and statistical analysis of 
ecological field data; and 
principles of scientific writing relating to natural history and field ecology. 
Activities include a visit to an 
island field station; some camping; recreational opportunities (swimming, 
canoeing); and a whale-watch 

More information and contact details are available at

Undergraduate and graduate versions (4 credit laboratory course) are available. 
See also

Online instruction begins 30 May. 

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