uses Global Forest Watch extensively for its global forest
cover reporting, it's a very cool remote sensing program synthesizing
satellite data and it updates constantly (hear their director Crystal Davis
talking about it on the Mongabay podcast here
If you know someone who'd like to be part of this and learn some cool
skills, read on/forward along:
*Global Forest Watch (the remote sensing forest monitor group) and World
Resources Institute just launched the first-ever GFW Tech Fellowship*. The
program will run from July-December 2018. Fellows will participate in
regular online meetings and trainings, and will receive tips and techniques
to effectively train and share knowledge with others. In September 2018 the
cohort will come together in Washington, D.C. for a three-day tech camp.

Who are we looking for?
Tech innovators, journalists, conservationists, campaigners, law
enforcement officers, lawyers, scientists, analysts, cartographers and
indigenous leaders who are committed to expanding their forest monitoring
experience and sharing this knowledge with others in their networks.

Read all the requirements, how-to-apply, and the perks of being the first
GFW Tech Fellow here



Commentator's Curse: my new magazine essay arguing for quieter sports
experiences here

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