Dear ecolog members,
I would like to advertise the following positions:

Psychological benefits of biodiversity in Singapore.
Positions: 1 Postdoc
Project description: Exposure to nature has been linked to human wellbeing. 
These benefits range from increases in life satisfaction and health (e.g. 
reduced mental health problems, obesity and high-blood pressure). The 
majority of studies linking urban greenspaces and wellbeing have however 
been limited to temperate regions, and information to guide recommendations 
on how to achieve positive wellbeing outcomes from tropical urban 
greenspaces remains largely non-existent.
In addition, research has in general focused on green spaces without 
distinguishing between the different components of biodiversity in 
ecosystems (e.g. species richness, functional diversity) and how the type 
of exposure to these components may affect wellbeing.
This project aims to fill these gaps by studying the relationship between 
tropical biodiversity exposure and measures of wellbeing through nature 
walks, semi-controlled and controlled experiments.
Roles: The research fellow will contribute to the project through devising 
research experiments and developing surveys to study how biodiversity 
influences wellbeing.
Period & Application
•       Successful applicants will join the BioEcon Lab at the Department 
of Biological Sciences of the National University of Singapore.
•       Funding for the research fellow is at competitive rates and 
available for 2 years.
•       To apply please send your CV to (Roman Carrasco) 
before the 10th June 2018.

Sustainable diets for biodiversity conservation and human health
Position: 1 Postdoc
Project description: A global transition towards diets high in refined 
sugars, fats and animal protein is taking place as income rises in nations. 
This new diets unite human health, food security and the environment in 
unprecedented ways. On the one hand, they lead to higher prevalence of 
diseases such as coronary heart disease and type II diabetes, on the other 
hand, they require inefficient crops with large environmental footprints 
(e.g. cattle ranching, sugarcane) and that are produced, in most instances, 
at the expense of tropical forests. These multifold negative impacts open 
an opportunity to curb the rampant increase in non-communicable diseases 
while conserving nature and strengthening the food security of countries 
like Singapore.
The project has two main research objectives: (i) identify and map the 
trade-offs between health, the environment and food security of individual 
ingredients and most consumed dishes in Singapore; and (ii) identify the 
substitutability between ingredients according to the preferences of 
consumers in Singapore.
The project will aim to help Singaporean’s policy makers identify 
interventions that would most effectively switch consumer patterns towards 
healthier eating with minimum impact on their utility and respecting their 
preferences. Likewise, achievable dietary switches that increase the food 
security of Singapore and the preservation of nature will be identified.
Roles: The research fellow will be in charge of survey design and data 
analysis using GIS and R and leading publication writing.
Period & Application
•       Successful applicants will join the BioEcon Lab at the Department 
of Biological Sciences of the National University of Singapore.
•       Funding for the research fellow and research assistant is at 
competitive rates and available for 2 years.
•       To apply please send your CV to (Roman Carrasco) 
before the 10th June 2018.



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