The Stream Biofilm and Ecosystem Research Laboratory seeks an outstanding 
candidate to work as Technical Assistant (80%) for an interdisciplinary 
project (Sinergia, SNF) at the interface between stream microbial ecology, 
geomorphology and hydrodynamics in glacier floodplains in the Swiss Alps.

The successful candidate will plan, prepare and execute fieldwork and 
experiments together with laboratories from EPFL, University of Lausanne, 
ETH Zürich and the University of Luxembourg. 

The candidate should hold a degree in environmental engineering and 
sciences, geosciences, ecology or in an equivalent field. Basic skills in 
experimental design, environmental technology and/or molecular biology are 
assets. The successful candidate will have outstanding organizational 
skills and a proven record in outdoor/alpine experience. A high degree of 
disposition to work with colleagues under stressful conditions required. 

The position is limited to 2.5 years.

For further information, contact Prof. T. Battin ( To 
apply for the position, send a single pdf containing your letter of 
motivation, CV including a list of publications, and three letters of 
recommendation to Tania Gonin ( Applications without 
letters of recommendation cannot be considered. We will start screening 
applications from 15 July on until the position is filled.

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